Student Solution


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1 Subject

Quiz Week 8

Quiz Week 8

Q 1.Chloe buys a motorcycle on eBay from Junior. In payment she gives him a promissory note for $7,000. He immediately negotiates the note to Terry. After the motorcycle arrives, Chloe discovers that it is not as advertised. One week later, she notifies Junior. She still has to pay Terry because: 2.The possessor of a piece of order paper does not have an unconditional right to be paid if: 3. A ______ is someone who issues a promissory note. 4.A buyer in the ordinary course of business takes goods free of an unperfected security interest but does not take them free of a perfected security interest.

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1.Terry’s rights are not affected by Junior’s misdeeds. 2.The possessor is not the payee.